According to research, you need to take 10,000 steps a day for your cardiovascular health. Like everyone else, you may spend most of your day at work, especially at a desk. Are you ready to become fitter and more energetic with a few healthy changes to your work life and exercises you can do sitting down?

  • How to burn calories at work?

It is possible to burn calories with simple exercises at the workplace, especially for those who work sitting down. Make excuses to walk, stand and move more instead of snacking.

  • Walk more on your way to work

If you use public transportation to get to your workplace, you can get off one stop earlier in the morning or get on one stop later after work to walk more, or if you drive to work, you can park in the farthest parking lot and try to walk more.

  • Create reasons to stand

When we are standing, we expend many more calories than when we are sitting. Stand while talking on the phone, stand during office conversations with colleagues, stand or walk between meetings to clarify thoughts in your head. Create excuses for yourself to stand up more.

  • Take fitness breaks in the office

Instead of grabbing a snack at your workplace café, do stretching exercises that will wake you up and revitalize you. Sitting in the same position for too long tires your muscles and causes pain. To prevent or reduce these pains, we can recommend a few simple but effective stretches that you can do in the office.

  • Shoulder stretch

With one hand, hold the elbow of the other arm. Keep your arm straight and pull your elbow towards your chest, supporting it with your hand. Stay like this for 15-30 seconds and feel the stretch in the back of your shoulder. Relax your elbow and return to the starting position, repeat the same movement with the other arm.

  • Upper arm stretch

Raise one arm up and bend it at the elbow. With your other hand, grab the elbow of your arm that is curled in the air and try to bring your elbow closer to your head. Feel the stretch in your upper arm and shoulder. Stay like this for 15-30 seconds and repeat on the other side.

  • Chest stretch

Place your hands behind your head. Open your elbows back as far as you can, as if you are bringing your shoulder blades together at the back. Feel the stretch in your chest muscles. Continue stretching for 15-30 seconds. Repeat the same movement one more time.

  • Chin Tuck (chin tuck)

Sit up straight, with your back straight, neck erect, facing forward. Bring your chin closer to your chest. Stay like this for 15-30 seconds, feel the stretch in the back of your neck. Return to the starting position and throw your head back slightly so that your face is facing upwards. Stand for 15-30 seconds, feel the stretch in your front neck muscles. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement once more.

  • Side neck stretch

Sit up straight, start the exercise with your back straight, neck erect, facing forward. Tilt your head to the right, stretch the left side muscles of your neck with your ear close to your shoulder. Stay like this for 15-30 seconds, return to the starting position and repeat the movement to the other side.

  • Lower back stretch

Sit slightly in front of your chair. Lift one knee upwards and pull it towards your chest. Try to keep your back straight during this. Hold this pose for 15-30 seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat for the other leg.

  • Standing thigh stretch

Stand up, try to keep your shoulders open and your back straight. You can support yourself with one hand on your chair or table to keep your balance. Bend your right knee and grab your ankle from behind with your right hand. Keep yourself upright and bring your heel closer to your buttocks. With this movement, you will feel the muscles in the upper front part of your legs stretch. Stay like this for 15-30 seconds, then repeat the same movement for your left leg.

Now we know what we can do! Starting next week, let’s create time for ourselves and apply them, let’s take a small step towards a healthier life 😊.

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