In these stormy, harsh and cold winter days, hiking is one of the issues that everyone approaches with prejudice. After the hot summer days, everyone stays indoors during the winter months and condemns themselves to a sedentary life.

However, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) data; 23% of the world population leads a sedentary life and this is the 4th leading cause of death among all causes of death. ranked in the first place in the world in terms of the number of countries in the world.

This is because inactivity can lead to life-threatening health problems such as obesity, coronary heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, osteoporosis and breast and colon cancer.

Hiking is among the easiest and most cost-effective options of all sports. Everyone knows that walking helps to lose weight. But the benefits of walking are much more than that…

  • Prevents Depression

When people stay indoors during the winter days, the psychology is greatly affected. Psychology is much more than meets the eye. A person’s emotional state directly affects body health and hormone functioning.

Even 25-30 minutes of outdoor walking a day releases the hormone endorphin, which makes people feel good.

The endorphins released in the body facilitate enjoyment of life, serenity and well-being. All these positive effects have a very positive impact on one’s social life and interaction with other people. In this way, negative thoughts and worries can be removed from the mind, and the person can get rid of the depression caused by the winter’s overcast weather.

  • Increases Sexual Desire and Sexual Performance

According to the results of research, it has been found that sexual desire and sexual performance are higher in people who regularly walk.

The reason for this is that walking gives a person calmness both mentally and physically, and the physical effects it produces. During walking, metabolism maximizes energy levels. This leads to more secretion of hormones into the brain and bloodstream, making you more energized.

  • Supports Brain Activities

During a walk, the body receives plenty of oxygen. Most of this oxygen is used by the brain.
It has been found that the parts of the brain where creativity, concentration and thinking occur work more effectively when high oxygen levels are reached. In this way, by providing mental sharpness, the person increases his potential considerably.

  • Prevents Constipation

Walking is one of the best favors for the digestive system. Walking supports the peristaltic, or oscillatory movements of the intestines to work much more effectively and problems such as constipation are minimized. Likewise, since the problems of bloating and gas formation are eliminated, the person feels much more energetic and happy.

The gut is home to the most nerve cells after the brain, and gut health means body health.

  • Delays the Aging Process

During walking, the metabolism starts to work optimally. This directly affects blood flow throughout the body.
The nutrition of skin and subcutaneous cells can be carried out more effectively as a result of increased blood flow. This helps to maintain the vitality and vitality of the skin.

  • Curbs Appetite

Everyone says that walking is slimming because of the calories expended during walking. While this is true, it is incomplete information. Because in the light of research, it has been found that walking directly affects appetite and provides a feeling of satiety even by eating less food.
In short, walking not only helps to expend calories but also prevents unnecessary calorie intake by curbing appetite.

  • Recovering from Addictions

Studies have shown that walking reduces addiction crises in people addicted to cigarettes, alcohol and drugs.
For example, if someone who wants to quit smoking takes a short walk when they feel like smoking, they will be able to overcome the moment of crisis in a more controlled way.

  • Reduces the Need for Sugar

Multiple studies have shown that a daily 15-minute walk can reduce cravings for chocolate, sweets and unhealthy snacks that are high in calories and prevent calorie intake due to ’emotional hunger’ consumed during stressful situations.

  • Cholesterol Stabilizer

Although everyone knows that cholesterol is related to the food consumed, not everyone knows the contribution of walking in this regard. However, walking affects blood flow and supports optimal blood functioning.
Walking lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels, known as blood fats, and increases the balance of good and bad cholesterol in the direction of good cholesterol.

  • Prevents Flu Infections

Walking in winter is often avoided for fear of catching the flu.
Walking, on the contrary, helps to protect against colds and flu during the cold and flu season. A large-sample study found that people who walked at least 20 minutes a day and at least 5 days a week were 43% less likely to get flu infections than those who exercised once a week or less.

It has also been found that even if they do get sick, they recover in a shorter period of time and have milder symptoms.

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