Anasayfa Etiket Arşivi alkaline water

Etiket Arşivi alkaline water

Why Should You Drink Water Before Sleeping?

In the common opinion of scientists, it is said that a glass of water to drink before falling asleep helps protect the heart from heart attack during sleep. In fact, it is quite possible that the water substance, which helps almost everything in our body and creates positive effects, protects the heart organ and prevents the damage to the heart naturally. Getting …

What is Alkaline Water? How to Prepare?

We all know that a large part of our body is made up of water. The proportion of water in the body is 90% for newborn babies, 70% in childhood and gradually decreases with advancing age. Because as age progresses, fat tissue in the body thickens and fat cells proliferate. In addition, the ratio of water in the body varies …