Anasayfa Health


The Secret to Slimming Faster: Detox Waters

The miracle of detox water is very useful to lose weight, get rid of edema and cellulite, stop eating sweets and excessive appetite. With detox water, you can remove toxins accumulated in your body and burn fat quickly. In this article, we have compiled what you need to know about detox waters and detox water recipes that you can easily …

Keep Your Heart Healthy!

Heart disease is a killer for men and women, but it is not your fate. While some risk factors (family history and age) are beyond our power to change, there is no barrier to taking steps to prevent heart disease. Take steps to avoid heart disease: don’t smoke, exercise regularly and eat healthy foods. By taking steps to live a …

What is Alkaline Water? How to Prepare?

We all know that a large part of our body is made up of water. The proportion of water in the body is 90% for newborn babies, 70% in childhood and gradually decreases with advancing age. Because as age progresses, fat tissue in the body thickens and fat cells proliferate. In addition, the ratio of water in the body varies …

Your Body Signals Dehydration!

Dehydration occurs when the amount of fluid required for the body to function is not met. We can roughly call this situation dehydration of the body. In this case, our body expects us to solve this problem by making some warnings. In our daily lives, the symptoms of dehydration that occur due to not drinking enough water are often confused …

Do These Things to Maintain Your Mental Health!

It is very important to have good mental health. Like being physically fit, being mentally healthy makes you feel good; it also allows you to enjoy the pleasures of life, grow healthy and try new things. Maintaining mental health is the best way to prepare for life’s difficult moments, both on a personal and professional level. To maintain mental health, …

Let’s Prevent Spring Diseases!

Spring has come, winter is over, flowers have bloomed, nature has left its moodiness and started to beautify. Unfortunately, it is not only beauty that comes with spring, but also brought diseases with it. Well, how do we stay away from these spring diseases, how do we get through with the least problem, in this article we will try to …

How to Lose Healthy Weight Step by Step

As a result of diets that are very low in calories, based on a single type of food or protein-heavy diets, you lose the weight you want quickly, but after a certain period of time, you are doomed to gain more weight than you lost. You find yourself in a very familiar vicious circle, don’t you? In this vicious cycle, …

Medicinal Tea Recipes for Winter!

With the cooling of the weather and the arrival of the winter months, winter tea has become a tea in our lives. Winter tea recipe warms you up on cold winter days and prevents you from catching diseases. The weather is slowly getting colder. As a result, it is possible to protect against diseases by drinking medicinal winter tea. Especially …

Benefits of Hiking in Winter You Never Heard of!

In these stormy, harsh and cold winter days, hiking is one of the issues that everyone approaches with prejudice. After the hot summer days, everyone stays indoors during the winter months and condemns themselves to a sedentary life. However, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) data; 23% of the world population leads a sedentary life and this is the …

Which Salt Should You Consume?

Dieters usually avoid salt. One of the biggest reasons for this is misinformation. As harmful as overconsumption of salt is, underconsumption can be just as harmful. Iodine is found in the structure of thyroxine, a hormone produced by the thyroid glands in the body. Thyroid hormone affects the rate at which the body expends energy. In the human body, a …

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