Anasayfa Sports


Düzenli Yürüyüş ve Kan Şekeri: Sağlıklı Bir Yaşam İçin Adım Adım

Sağlıklı bir yaşam için yapabileceğiniz en basit ve en etkili şeylerden biri, düzenli yürüyüş yapmaktır. Her gün yapacağınız kısa bir yürüyüş, sadece ruh halinizi iyileştirmekle kalmaz, aynı zamanda vücudunuzun çeşitli sistemlerine de fayda sağlar. Kan şekeri, genel sağlık üzerinde büyük bir etkiye sahip olan önemli bir faktördür ve düzenli yürüyüş, kan şekerini dengelemenin en doğal yollarından biridir. Kan Şekeri Nedir …

Sürekli Yorgun mu Hissediyorsunuz? İşte Sebepleri

Hepimiz bir noktada, sabahları uyanıp günün geri kalanını geçirmek için yeterli enerjimiz olmadığını hissettik. Bazen bir haftasonu tatili ya da bir tatil günü bile bize beklediğimiz enerjiyi vermez. Günler geçtikçe, belki de bu sürekli yorgunluk hissi bir alışkanlık haline gelir ve başlamak için yeterli enerjinizin olmadığı bir duruma düşersiniz. Peki, gerçekten her zaman yorgun hissetmenin ardında ne yatıyor? Bu yazıda, …

The Relationship Between Exercise and Low Back Pain!

It is now almost universally recognized and accepted that sport is not only a physical activity, but also a mental healing. Because the endorphins and serotonin hormones released during sports make you feel happy. However, some mistakes or incorrect movements during exercise can cause more harm than good. Low back pain caused by incorrect movements is one of the most …

You Can Get the Body You Want This Year!

A new year brings new goals. In this article, you can find useful exercise movements for you to get the body you want in the new year. Scissors Exercise You can also work your abdominal muscles with the scissors exercise, which melts the fat in the upper legs and inner legs and effectively forms them. Lying on your back on …

How to Gain Weight in a Healthy Way? How Should People Who Want to Gain Weight Exercise?

Usually everyone complains about their excess weight. However, it should not be forgotten that there are those who want to gain weight at a considerable rate. According to a study by the National Center for Health Statistics, about two-thirds of people are overweight or obese. 2% of people over the age of 20 complain of being too thin and unable …

Benefits of Hiking in Winter You Never Heard of!

In these stormy, harsh and cold winter days, hiking is one of the issues that everyone approaches with prejudice. After the hot summer days, everyone stays indoors during the winter months and condemns themselves to a sedentary life. However, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) data; 23% of the world population leads a sedentary life and this is the …

How to Lose Healthy Weight Step by Step

As a result of diets that are very low in calories, based on a single type of food or protein-heavy diets, you lose the weight you want quickly, but after a certain period of time, you are doomed to gain more weight than you lost. You find yourself in a very familiar vicious circle, don’t you? In this vicious cycle, …

Protect Your Heart Health with Exercise!

Heart disease develops against a background of adverse health conditions or diseases called “risk factors”, such as hypertension, high cholesterol, overweight, insulin resistance, diabetes and smoking. Regular exercise reduces or even eliminates the effect of these risk factors known to cause heart disease. Regular exercise has been shown to prevent overweight and obesity and reduce insulin resistance. The protective effect …

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