Anasayfa Sports


Lose Belly Fat!

Aside from weight loss and tightening, excess weight in the belly area is among the common problems of even thin people. Belly fat is considered to be one of the most difficult areas of the body to melt. Especially if fat has been present in this area for many years. The situation may be even more complicated if the fat …

How to Lose Healthy Weight Step by Step

As a result of diets that are very low in calories, based on a single type of food or protein-heavy diets, you lose the weight you want quickly, but after a certain period of time, you are doomed to gain more weight than you lost. You find yourself in a very familiar vicious circle, don’t you? In this vicious cycle, …

Benefits of Hiking in Winter You Never Heard of!

In these stormy, harsh and cold winter days, hiking is one of the issues that everyone approaches with prejudice. After the hot summer days, everyone stays indoors during the winter months and condemns themselves to a sedentary life. However, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) data; 23% of the world population leads a sedentary life and this is the …

How to Get Motivated to Work Out at Home!

Doing sports at home is frequently preferred due to the situation our country and the world have been in recently. In addition, many sports fans who prefer to work in the peaceful environment of their home can achieve a fit and healthy appearance in a short time with effective sports programs. However, the biggest problem faced by those who prefer …

How to Lose Weight in a Short Time

Everyone wants to lose weight in a short time. They want to get fit as soon as possible, look more beautiful and be healthier. Today, in this article, we will try to help you in this regard. Determine your target weight Many people who want to lose weight often start a diet, but after a while they cannot stick to …

30 Minutes of Walking Is Enough!

Nowadays, many people think that the topic of the most effective weight loss exercises is exhausting. However, the weights that Hercules can lift, fitness equipment that looks as if you will be trapped in it, and an exercise tempo that will last for hours… When many people think about what to do to lose weight at home, they think that …

The Best Pre and Post Workout Snacks!

Snacks consumed before or after exercise have a significant impact on sports performance. For this reason, it is very important for people who want to lose weight and build muscle to know which foods to consume before and after exercise. In addition, it is also important to have an idea about the place of macronutrients such as protein, carbohydrates and …

Little Known Benefits of Cardio!

The cardiovascular system is the system of the heart and blood vessels. Cardio is short for cardiovascular and is a set of exercises that help maintain heart health. Basically, it works the heart and lungs intensively, helping the heart to pump blood more efficiently. Another important thing to know about cardio is that it improves fitness and makes breathing more …

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