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The Secret to Slimming Faster: Detox Waters

The miracle of detox water is very useful to lose weight, get rid of edema and cellulite, stop eating sweets and excessive appetite. With detox water, you can remove toxins accumulated in your body and burn fat quickly. In this article, we have compiled what you need to know about detox waters and detox water recipes that you can easily …

How to Detox Healthy?

This summer, juicing with liquid drinks and detoxing with a strict diet are very popular. The aim, of course, is to cleanse the metabolism of toxins. However, various weight loss programs, such as fat-burning juice cleanses, can do more harm than good to the metabolism. Especially during sudden weight loss, there may be a risk that toxins stored and stored …

What is Leptin Resistance?

Are you overweight? Do you have an appetite? Do you want to eat more, snack all the time? Do you eat too much junk food, sweets or snacks? Do you want to eat carbohydrate foods, especially at night? Are you very tired, stressed, experiencing emotional fluctuations? These symptoms may indicate that you have leptin resistance. Leptin is the main hormone …

Happiness is Closer to You

We all have our own special habits. Checking your mobile phone first thing in the morning, drinking water, brushing your teeth are some of the simplest of these habits. Although all these habits are small behavioural models, they shape our lives. By changing these small habits, you can create a huge change in your life. Moreover, it will be quite …

Lose Belly Fat!

Aside from weight loss and tightening, excess weight in the belly area is among the common problems of even thin people. Belly fat is considered to be one of the most difficult areas of the body to melt. Especially if fat has been present in this area for many years. The situation may be even more complicated if the fat …

Make Your Water Tastier!

While we make a lot of effort to be healthy, sometimes we forget the most important thing: drinking water. Since 60% of our body is water, we need to drink about 2 liters of water daily to meet this need. It is possible to make drinking water more fun and delicious. Flavored waters make it easier for you to drink …

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