Anasayfa General


How to Detox Healthy?

This summer, juicing with liquid drinks and detoxing with a strict diet are very popular. The aim, of course, is to cleanse the metabolism of toxins. However, various weight loss programs, such as fat-burning juice cleanses, can do more harm than good to the metabolism. Especially during sudden weight loss, there may be a risk that toxins stored and stored …

Happiness is Closer to You

We all have our own special habits. Checking your mobile phone first thing in the morning, drinking water, brushing your teeth are some of the simplest of these habits. Although all these habits are small behavioural models, they shape our lives. By changing these small habits, you can create a huge change in your life. Moreover, it will be quite …

Keep Your Heart Healthy!

Heart disease is a killer for men and women, but it is not your fate. While some risk factors (family history and age) are beyond our power to change, there is no barrier to taking steps to prevent heart disease. Take steps to avoid heart disease: don’t smoke, exercise regularly and eat healthy foods. By taking steps to live a …

Insulin Resistance Causes Rapid Hunger!

Insulin resistance is one of the health problems that have been on the agenda much more frequently recently… Especially the fact that it prevents weight loss is one of the reasons why it attracts attention. Here are 5 things you should know about insulin resistance. What is Insulin Resistance? Insulin is a hormone that acts as a switch in cells. …

Benefits of Drinking Water

One of the most important building blocks of our lives is water. There are important reasons why all doctors and dietitians say we should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. We owe many of our vital functions such as balancing our body temperature, eliminating toxins and healthy digestion to water. As for how water should be drunk, …

Let’s Get Rid of Cellulite

Cellulite is a problem seen in many women. According to research, cellulite occurs because the tissues and fats in the body are unbalanced or problematic. There are many theories about what can cause fat and tissue disorder in the body. In this article, we will list the best natural remedies for cellulite. Causes of cellulite  Genetic factors  Cigarette  Lack of exercise  Obesity …

Do These Things to Maintain Your Mental Health!

It is very important to have good mental health. Like being physically fit, being mentally healthy makes you feel good; it also allows you to enjoy the pleasures of life, grow healthy and try new things. Maintaining mental health is the best way to prepare for life’s difficult moments, both on a personal and professional level. To maintain mental health, …

Tight Hips with the Bridge Exercise

In this article, we will talk about a miracle movement that will work both your belly and your hips. It is useful to include the bridge exercise in your exercise plan. So what is this bridge exercise? Bridge Exercise is a great exercise for those who want to work the hip area, shape their hips and strengthen their abdominal area …

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