Anasayfa Etiket Arşivi benefits of sport

Etiket Arşivi benefits of sport

All About the Common Cold

With the effect of cold weather, winter diseases are on the rise. Especially flu, colds and colds can suddenly put people to bed and disrupt their quality of life. It is possible to overcome the common cold in a mild way without causing more serious pictures with some practical suggestions.  The common cold is a chronic disease that everyone succumbs …

How Can We Speed Up Metabolism in Winter?

The Most Important Meal – Breakfast Eating a hearty breakfast is the first rule of a balanced and regular diet to protect against diseases in winter. At night, metabolism slows down due to prolonged fasting during sleep. Therefore, it is very important to have breakfast before 1-1.5 hours after waking up. If breakfast is skipped, after prolonged fasting, food intake …

Sleep and Lemon Duo!

Do you go to bed early but still feel tired when you wake up in the morning, as if you haven’t slept at all? Are you feeling depressed, unhappy, pessimistic more often these days? What if we tell you that the solution to these and similar problems is actually very simple? All you need to do is cut a lemon …

30 Minutes of Walking Is Enough!

Nowadays, many people think that the topic of the most effective weight loss exercises is exhausting. However, the weights that Hercules can lift, fitness equipment that looks as if you will be trapped in it, and an exercise tempo that will last for hours… When many people think about what to do to lose weight at home, they think that …

Tips for Sitting Workers

If you spend most of the day sitting still, this can lead to excess weight after a while. Especially for those whose work involves a lot of mental activity, a few small changes can help you get rid of excess weight. Today, the so-called “plaza people”, which also includes housewives, fall into the category of sitting workers. If you spend …