Anasayfa Etiket Arşivi weight control

Etiket Arşivi weight control

Keto Diyeti İle Tanışın: Yağlardan Enerji Alarak Kilo Kaybı Sağlama

Keto Diyeti ve Düşük Karbonhidratlı Beslenme: Yağ Yakmanın Yeni Yolu Keto diyeti ve düşük karbonhidratlı beslenme, son yıllarda popülerlik kazanan beslenme trendlerinden ikisi. Peki, bu diyeti neden bu kadar çok kişi tercih ediyor? Yağ yakma süreçlerine nasıl etki ediyorlar? Kilo verme, enerji artışı ve mental netlik gibi vaatlerle, Keto diyeti özellikle diyet yapanların ilgisini çekiyor. Ancak, bu diyete başlamadan önce …

Tips for Sitting Workers

If you spend most of the day sitting still, this can lead to excess weight after a while. Especially for those whose work involves a lot of mental activity, a few small changes can help you get rid of excess weight. Today, the so-called “plaza people”, which also includes housewives, fall into the category of sitting workers. If you spend …

İnsülin Direnci: Sessiz Bir Salgın ve Doğal Çözümler

İnsülin direnci, modern çağda karşılaşılan en yaygın sağlık sorunlarından biri olarak karşımıza çıkıyor. Günümüzde sadece diyabetle ilişkilendirilen bu durum, aslında çok daha derin ve karmaşık bir metabolik sorunu işaret ediyor. İnsülin direncinin artması, vücutta pek çok farklı hastalığa zemin hazırlayabilir. Ancak endişelenmeyin, çünkü insülin direncini yönetmek ve hatta önlemek, sağlıklı bir yaşam tarzıyla mümkündür. Bu yazıda, insülin direncinin ne olduğunu, …

Tatlı Krizleri ve Onlarla Mücadele: Şekerin Cazibesine Karşı Kazanmanın Yolları

Kışın soğuk günlerinde, sıcacık bir içecek ve yanında bir dilim kek ya da birkaç parça çikolata hayal etmek gerçekten zor değil. Bu tür anlarda tatlılar, sadece lezzetli bir kaçamak olmanın ötesine geçer; bazen bir tür duygusal rahatlama, bazen de içsel bir ihtiyaç haline gelir. Hatta çoğu zaman tatlı yediğimizde kendimizi ödüllendiriyor, yorgunluk ve stres gibi duygusal yüklerden kurtuluyormuş gibi hissederiz. …

How Can We Speed Up Metabolism in Winter?

The Most Important Meal – Breakfast Eating a hearty breakfast is the first rule of a balanced and regular diet to protect against diseases in winter. At night, metabolism slows down due to prolonged fasting during sleep. Therefore, it is very important to have breakfast before 1-1.5 hours after waking up. If breakfast is skipped, after prolonged fasting, food intake …

Are You Consuming Vitamin C Correctly?

Vitamin C is needed to keep the immune system strong by protecting against diseases that may occur due to the change in weather. Vitamin C is also needed for the skin to produce collagen and for tendons, connective tissues, vessels and cartilage to regenerate. Vitamin C should be taken in through food, as this is the only way to get the …

All About the Common Cold

With the effect of cold weather, winter diseases are on the rise. Especially flu, colds and colds can suddenly put people to bed and disrupt their quality of life. It is possible to overcome the common cold in a mild way without causing more serious pictures with some practical suggestions.  The common cold is a chronic disease that everyone succumbs …

Why Do You Gain More Weight in Winter?

With the effect of cold weather, the need to eat increases in order to maintain heat balance due to the acceleration of metabolism; because the alarm is as follows: You are cold. Your fat cells are not enough, you need to stay warm, stock up on incoming nutrients, turn them into fat cells. You might need it later! When the …

Sleep and Lemon Duo!

Do you go to bed early but still feel tired when you wake up in the morning, as if you haven’t slept at all? Are you feeling depressed, unhappy, pessimistic more often these days? What if we tell you that the solution to these and similar problems is actually very simple? All you need to do is cut a lemon …

Does Quitting Smoking Make You Gain Weight?

I want you to think a little before you start reading: Do you think smoking is beneficial for weight control? Do you know anyone who smokes and is overweight? If smoking controlled weight, all the smokers you know would be thin, right? Did you know that 3 out of 4 obese people smoke? Do you think there are any calorie-burning …

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