Anasayfa Etiket Arşivi winter sports

Etiket Arşivi winter sports

Feel More Energized in the Cold Winter Months!

It is quite normal to wake up on a short, cold winter morning, devoid of the sun’s bright rays, and not feel as energized as if you had woken up in spring or summer. The decrease in the duration of daylight hours, the decrease in body energy in cold weather conditions and the significant shortening of the time spent moving …

Benefits of Hiking in Winter You Never Heard of!

In these stormy, harsh and cold winter days, hiking is one of the issues that everyone approaches with prejudice. After the hot summer days, everyone stays indoors during the winter months and condemns themselves to a sedentary life. However, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) data; 23% of the world population leads a sedentary life and this is the …