Anasayfa Etiket Arşivi metabolism

Etiket Arşivi metabolism

Susuz Kalmak: Vücudunuzun Sizi Uyaracak 8 Alarmı

Vücudumuz Susuz Kaldığında Gözlenen Durumlar: Sadece Susuzluk Değil, Sağlık Sorunları Anlamına Gelebilir! Vücudumuz, yaşamın devam edebilmesi için suya her an ihtiyaç duyar. Su, hücrelerimizin fonksiyonlarını yerine getirmesini sağlar, vücut ısısını dengeler, besinlerin taşınmasına yardımcı olur, toksinlerin atılmasına katkı sağlar ve çok daha fazlasını yapar. Ancak, günümüzde su içmeye yeterince özen göstermediğimiz bir gerçek. Özellikle sıcak yaz günlerinde, yoğun çalışma temposunda, …

How Can We Speed Up Metabolism in Winter?

The Most Important Meal – Breakfast Eating a hearty breakfast is the first rule of a balanced and regular diet to protect against diseases in winter. At night, metabolism slows down due to prolonged fasting during sleep. Therefore, it is very important to have breakfast before 1-1.5 hours after waking up. If breakfast is skipped, after prolonged fasting, food intake …

All About the Common Cold

With the effect of cold weather, winter diseases are on the rise. Especially flu, colds and colds can suddenly put people to bed and disrupt their quality of life. It is possible to overcome the common cold in a mild way without causing more serious pictures with some practical suggestions.  The common cold is a chronic disease that everyone succumbs …

Sleep and Lemon Duo!

Do you go to bed early but still feel tired when you wake up in the morning, as if you haven’t slept at all? Are you feeling depressed, unhappy, pessimistic more often these days? What if we tell you that the solution to these and similar problems is actually very simple? All you need to do is cut a lemon …

How to Remove Edema from the Body?

Lemon, which is added to vegetables, meals and soups in summer and winter, is often the biggest helper of alternative medicine. The benefits of lemon have been passed down from generation to generation. Lemon is a basic nutrient in the nutrition program of every individual in terms of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants it contains. Lemon, which is good for many …

Does Quitting Smoking Make You Gain Weight?

I want you to think a little before you start reading: Do you think smoking is beneficial for weight control? Do you know anyone who smokes and is overweight? If smoking controlled weight, all the smokers you know would be thin, right? Did you know that 3 out of 4 obese people smoke? Do you think there are any calorie-burning …

Benefits of Drinking Water

One of the most important building blocks of our lives is water. There are important reasons why all doctors and dietitians say we should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. We owe many of our vital functions such as balancing our body temperature, eliminating toxins and healthy digestion to water. As for how water should be drunk, …

Insulin Resistance Causes Rapid Hunger!

Insulin resistance is one of the health problems that have been on the agenda much more frequently recently… Especially the fact that it prevents weight loss is one of the reasons why it attracts attention. Here are 5 things you should know about insulin resistance. What is Insulin Resistance? Insulin is a hormone that acts as a switch in cells. …

Make Your Water Tastier!

While we make a lot of effort to be healthy, sometimes we forget the most important thing: drinking water. Since 60% of our body is water, we need to drink about 2 liters of water daily to meet this need. It is possible to make drinking water more fun and delicious. Flavored waters make it easier for you to drink …