Anasayfa Nutrition (Sayfa 3)


Why Do You Gain More Weight in Winter?

With the effect of cold weather, the need to eat increases in order to maintain heat balance due to the acceleration of metabolism; because the alarm is as follows: You are cold. Your fat cells are not enough, you need to stay warm, stock up on incoming nutrients, turn them into fat cells. You might need it later! When the …

What is the Ketogenic Diet?

One of the most popular and interesting diets of recent times is the ketogenic diet. The food groups that are the main energy source of a diet are called macros. These macros are fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Since the ketogenic diet is a high-fat-based diet, most of the calories consumed daily come from fats. Macro values, that is, daily calorie …

Healthy Skin in Winter!

Adequate and balanced nutrition is very important for our health. Adequate utilization of all nutrients in the daily diet will support the overall health of the body and play a major role in skin health. Our skin also has the ability to protect our body against external factors. It balances water loss and body temperature by sweating for homeostasis, which …

6 Natural and Healthy Ways to Lose Weight

Many people aim to lose weight, but slimming down is often harder than it seems, especially if you are not used to exercising or following a well-planned diet program. That is why in this article we will discuss the most natural ways to help you lose weight. Remember that while there are different options for losing weight, you need to …

How to Lose Weight in a Short Time

Everyone wants to lose weight in a short time. They want to get fit as soon as possible, look more beautiful and be healthier. Today, in this article, we will try to help you in this regard. Determine your target weight Many people who want to lose weight often start a diet, but after a while they cannot stick to …

You Can Lose Belly Fat!

Most of the excess weight accumulates in the belly. While this situation causes a serious deterioration in people’s physiques, they will be faced with the situation that the clothes do not fit their bodies as they want. Since the accumulation of weight in one place makes it difficult for people to hide it, it would be the right step for …

How to Remove Edema from the Body?

Lemon, which is added to vegetables, meals and soups in summer and winter, is often the biggest helper of alternative medicine. The benefits of lemon have been passed down from generation to generation. Lemon is a basic nutrient in the nutrition program of every individual in terms of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants it contains. Lemon, which is good for many …

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