Anasayfa General (Sayfa 2)


Lose Weight Without Dieting!

If we said without dieting, we meant that we do not bind you to those classic diet lists. We do not say eat this in the morning, eat this in the evening. We put things in front of you that will help you lose weight by giving you some advice. Those who have the will can walk with us and …

What You Need to Do for a Healthy Mind

As we get older, our mental activity slows down and we are more prone to certain diseases. However, it is possible to take some precautions to prevent this. Scientific studies, especially in recent years, have been very helpful. The balance factor, which is essential for a healthy life, is very important for this. We can say that a balanced diet, …

Good Sleep is Quality Life

Chronic insomnia is on the rise. Many of us are now getting artificial sleep and have become dependent on sleeping pills. While high energy is desirable during the day, body energy should decrease at night, but unfortunately, our energy remains much higher than desired during the night. Getting enough and quality sleep is extremely important for our health. While adults …

The Reset Diet to Reboot Your Body

You may have heard of the book The Reset Diet by Harley Pasternak, the dietitian to world-famous stars. This diet, which allows you to get rid of excess fat by boosting your metabolism in just 15 days, is based on dieting even while eating well. “One of the greatest pleasures in life is eating, and losing weight and dieting should …

How to Get Motivated to Work Out at Home!

Doing sports at home is frequently preferred due to the situation our country and the world have been in recently. In addition, many sports fans who prefer to work in the peaceful environment of their home can achieve a fit and healthy appearance in a short time with effective sports programs. However, the biggest problem faced by those who prefer …

May the New Year Bring You New Goals!

We are leaving another year behind, bitter and sweet. Like every year, we all have goals and hopes for this new year. In this article, we aim to support each other by listing the goals we think we should all aim for. Why don’t you take a notebook and list your goals for 2023? Smile a lot! Laugh more and …

Feel More Energized in the Cold Winter Months!

It is quite normal to wake up on a short, cold winter morning, devoid of the sun’s bright rays, and not feel as energized as if you had woken up in spring or summer. The decrease in the duration of daylight hours, the decrease in body energy in cold weather conditions and the significant shortening of the time spent moving …

Why Should You Drink Water Before Sleeping?

In the common opinion of scientists, it is said that a glass of water to drink before falling asleep helps protect the heart from heart attack during sleep. In fact, it is quite possible that the water substance, which helps almost everything in our body and creates positive effects, protects the heart organ and prevents the damage to the heart naturally. Getting …

Stone Age Diet: ‘Paleo’

The paleo diet, also called the stone age diet, which has become popular in recent years, is designed to be similar to what hunter-gatherer people ate thousands of years ago. Although it is impossible to know exactly what people ate in different parts of the world during the Stone Age, researchers believe that their diet consisted of whole foods. By …

Why You Should Start Breathing Exercises!

What is Breathing? Breathing, in its simplest definition, is the process of inhaling and exhaling air into the lungs. Our body needs oxygen through respiration to release energy. We all breathe every moment. So how much are we breathing correctly? How much are we aware of breathing correctly? Everyone uses correct breathing techniques from the moment they are born. Actually, …

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