Anasayfa General (Sayfa 3)


Happiness is Closer to You

We all have our own special habits. Checking your mobile phone first thing in the morning, drinking water, brushing your teeth are some of the simplest of these habits. Although all these habits are small behavioural models, they shape our lives. By changing these small habits, you can create a huge change in your life. Moreover, it will be quite …

Let’s Get Rid of Cellulite

Cellulite is a problem seen in many women. According to research, cellulite occurs because the tissues and fats in the body are unbalanced or problematic. There are many theories about what can cause fat and tissue disorder in the body. In this article, we will list the best natural remedies for cellulite. Causes of cellulite  Genetic factors  Cigarette  Lack of exercise  Obesity …

Tight Hips with the Bridge Exercise

In this article, we will talk about a miracle movement that will work both your belly and your hips. It is useful to include the bridge exercise in your exercise plan. So what is this bridge exercise? Bridge Exercise is a great exercise for those who want to work the hip area, shape their hips and strengthen their abdominal area …

Lose Weight Without Dieting!

If we said without dieting, we meant that we do not bind you to those classic diet lists. We do not say eat this in the morning, eat this in the evening. We put things in front of you that will help you lose weight by giving you some advice. Those who have the will can walk with us and …

The Reset Diet to Reboot Your Body

You may have heard of the book The Reset Diet by Harley Pasternak, the dietitian to world-famous stars. This diet, which allows you to get rid of excess fat by boosting your metabolism in just 15 days, is based on dieting even while eating well. “One of the greatest pleasures in life is eating, and losing weight and dieting should …

How to Get Motivated to Work Out at Home!

Doing sports at home is frequently preferred due to the situation our country and the world have been in recently. In addition, many sports fans who prefer to work in the peaceful environment of their home can achieve a fit and healthy appearance in a short time with effective sports programs. However, the biggest problem faced by those who prefer …

May the New Year Bring You New Goals!

We are leaving another year behind, bitter and sweet. Like every year, we all have goals and hopes for this new year. In this article, we aim to support each other by listing the goals we think we should all aim for. Why don’t you take a notebook and list your goals for 2023? Smile a lot! Laugh more and …

Stone Age Diet: ‘Paleo’

The paleo diet, also called the stone age diet, which has become popular in recent years, is designed to be similar to what hunter-gatherer people ate thousands of years ago. Although it is impossible to know exactly what people ate in different parts of the world during the Stone Age, researchers believe that their diet consisted of whole foods. By …

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