Anasayfa Adım Sayar (Sayfa 13)

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Healthy Foods to Keep Our Energy High

How about starting the week energized? The high sugar and high fat foods you choose to boost your energy can do more harm than good in the short and long term. It can cause your blood sugar to fluctuate rapidly and make you hungry in a short time. Whether you are at work, at home or at school… You can …

Exercises to Prevent Menstrual Cramps

Menstrual duration and pain vary from woman to woman. Although some lucky women are able to go through their menstrual days painlessly, for some women this process is quite painful. You will find that the exercises you can apply to relieve your menstrual pain will be very beneficial for you. What Are Menstrual Cramps? Menstrual cramps are very common in …

Granola, a Diet Savior

Granola is a very practical and delicious food that will add convenience to your breakfasts and save you from being lazy. The addition of unroasted nuts, cereals and dried fruits makes for a healthy and delicious breakfast. You can also consume it as a snack and minimize your sweet crises. In this article, we will share the granola recipe you …

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